Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Baby Furniture and Baby Bump

The nursery is starting to take shape. Although the crib has been set up for over a month, the dresser and hutch just arrived today. (Thanks to Dad and Uncle Ken for helping with the heavy lifting!) I also included a picture of the "baby bump" since I've had several requests...

The crib and "Porter the Puppy":

Close-up of the crib (which will eventually turn into a full sized bed):

The dresser/changing table and hutch:

This is the corner where the sage green glider will go:

Monday, December 22, 2008

Blizzard of 2008 - Part II

The second wave of snow hit between Saturday night and Sunday afternoon. We got another 6-8 inches. The snow now reaches the top of the benches on our deck. The piles of snow at the end of our driveway are taller than we are! We had snow on and off all day today but probably only got another couple inches. Another major storm is supposed to come through tomorrow with the possibility of another 6-8inches. That will put us well over 2 feet of snow in five days.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Blizzard of 2008 - Part I

We had our first major snow storm of the season and they are predicting possibly two more in the next few days. We do not need to worry about having a white Christmas this year! Here are a few photos of our deck:

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Maran's Graduation

This weekend, we went to Detroit for Maran's Masters of Ed graduation. The ceremony was really nice - everyone had their name read as they walked across the stage. Later that evening, we went out for a celebratory dinner in Birmingham with Maran's fiance and his family. Everyone had a great time!

Maran getting ready to walk across the stage:

Marcy, Ann, Josh, Maran, Phil, Kristen and Steve after graduation:

Maran and Josh at Dinner:

Maran and her Cake:

Friday, December 12, 2008

First Baby Pictures

We had our 20 week ultrasound today, although it was actually at just over 21 weeks (more than half way there!). The doctor and the technician said everything looks great and the baby is measuring true to our due date of April 22, 2009. Right now, they estimate the baby weighs 15 oz (based on the size of the abdomen) and is probably 10-12 inches long. We did not find out the sex of the baby - we still want to be surprised! Here are a few pictures they gave us.

3D picture of the baby looking directly at the face and abdomen:

4D picture of the baby's face and hands:

4D picture of the profile of the face and the baby getting ready to suck his/her thumb:

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Despite the perfect Halloween weather, we only had about 75 trick or treaters this year. East had a home play-off football game (they won!), which contributed to the low turn-out. We still had fun handing out candy.

Our Pumpkins:

Gray (Michigan Football Player) and Caroline (Doctor in Pink Scrubs) came by for treats earlier in the day:

John hanging out on (in?) the deck:

Our neighbors Aaron (Baby Jaguar) and Sam (Cow):

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Trip to Happy Valley

We traveled to Happy Valley this weekend for the Michigan vs. Penn State game. Despite the outcome of the game, we had a great time.

Even though they were guarding the Nittany Lion Shrine, we were able to get our picture taken:

The Penn State student section had a white out:

A quick photo at the game (while we were still winning!):

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Giving in Style

Last night was "Giving in Style," which is a benefit for Camp Blodgett. Kristen was co-event chair of the style show and formal dinner. Below are a few photos from the event:

Part of the Invitations:

Natalie, Emily, and Kristen at the Event:

The Tables and Centerpieces:

Bryan Sterling and Matt Kirkwood (Wood TV 8) were some of the male models for the fashion show.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Another Blog to Check Out...

Kristen created a blog with photos of her cakes, cupcakes, tortes, etc:


Thursday, October 2, 2008

On the Town

On the Town magazine recently wrote an article about Erika's. It described the deli, beer/wine selection, chocolates, and of course the bakery! Kristen was interviewed and had her picture taken:

Monday, September 22, 2008

400 Wins!

Today we went to the Comstock Park tennis match to watch Uncle Ken obtain his 400th career coaching victory. In addition to reaching this milestone, Ken will also be inducted in the Michigan Coaching Hall of Fame in February. He will be one of two coaches inducted this year! There was also an article in the Grand Rapids Press: http://www.mlive.com/grandrapids/stories/index.ssf?/base/sports-0/1222955704312460.xml&coll=6

Monday, September 8, 2008

Names and Faces in Business

Phil had his picture in the business section of the GR Press this weekend. He is one of the "Names and Faces in Business" for his promotion at Plante & Moran.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Ren Fest 2008!

After the football game last weekend, Phil met up with his friend Andrew (who was in town from North Carolina) to make their annual pilgrimage to the Renaissance Festival. They have been going since they were young and look forward to it every year!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

"The Dawn of a New Era"

We went to Ann Arbor on Saturday for the first football game of the season. Or, as Phil liked to say, "The dawn of a new era in Michigan football." We tailgated on the golf course with friends prior to the game and got to see a preview of what the new stadium will look like when its completed next fall. Although the outcome of the game wasn't what we hoped for, we had a great time.

The Stadium Renovations

The first snap in the spread offense

The coaches reaction to the TD that put the score at 23-25

Congratulations Maran & Josh!

Phil's sister, Maran, and her boyfriend Josh got engaged up north this weekend! We are so happy and excited for the two of them!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sarah and Tim's Wedding

This weekend was Sarah and Tim's wedding in Grand Rapids. Our friends Lauren and John came in from Atlanta and spent the weekend with us. It was a wonderful wedding and it was great to see all our friends!

Sarah and Tim at the Ceremony

The Wedding Cake (which Kristen made)

The EGR Crew

Sarah and Tim at the Reception