Sunday, August 31, 2008

"The Dawn of a New Era"

We went to Ann Arbor on Saturday for the first football game of the season. Or, as Phil liked to say, "The dawn of a new era in Michigan football." We tailgated on the golf course with friends prior to the game and got to see a preview of what the new stadium will look like when its completed next fall. Although the outcome of the game wasn't what we hoped for, we had a great time.

The Stadium Renovations

The first snap in the spread offense

The coaches reaction to the TD that put the score at 23-25

Congratulations Maran & Josh!

Phil's sister, Maran, and her boyfriend Josh got engaged up north this weekend! We are so happy and excited for the two of them!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sarah and Tim's Wedding

This weekend was Sarah and Tim's wedding in Grand Rapids. Our friends Lauren and John came in from Atlanta and spent the weekend with us. It was a wonderful wedding and it was great to see all our friends!

Sarah and Tim at the Ceremony

The Wedding Cake (which Kristen made)

The EGR Crew

Sarah and Tim at the Reception

Antiques Roadshow

Antiques Roadshow was in Grand Rapids this Saturday. Kristen's parents had tickets and took a few things to be appraised. Kristen's mom brought in a pair of earrings that were originally cufflinks with the tsar's crest on them. After talking with several members of the Roadshow staff, she was taken to the "Green Room" and was filmed for the TV show! They think there is a chance the cuff links were designed by Faberge so we are going to do some research on our own. There is no guarantee that she will "make the cut" for the show but it was a really fun experience. She also made the front page of the Grand Rapids Press (she is in the blue shirt in the middle).

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Well, we had a "fun" surprise Saturday morning. At 7am, I heard the pipes running. When we went to the basement, we discovered that the toilet had been running all night long. The overflow ended up all over our carpet. Fortunately, it was all clean water (no sewage, thank goodness!). We had someone out to extract as much water as they could that morning. Then on Monday, we had another company out to set up industrial fans, humidifiers, etc. It looks like they were able to save our carpet and the carpet pad. Some of the molding was removed and will be replaced. We are still waiting to hear if we need to pull out any of the dry wall. Oh, the joys of home ownership! I guess that's what home owner's insurance is for!