Sunday, April 26, 2009

Aunt Erika's 100th Birthday!

Today was Aunt Erika's 100th Brithday (Kristen's Great Aunt). There was a very nice party for her at the Latvian Church. A lot of people spoke, she received a ton of flowers, and we had appetizers and desserts.

Aunt Erika with her flowers:

Aunt Erika, Katie, Kristen, and Oma

Kristen, Aunt Erika, and Phil

Friday, April 24, 2009

Still Waiting...

I had another doctor's appointment today and there is no change in my status. I have another one scheduled for Tuesday where they will do the non-stress test and an ultrasound just to make sure the baby is ok. Assuming everything is fine, the earliest they would induce me is actually next Friday. So I could have up to a week left.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Due Date!

And we're still waiting... they are planning to induce me next Wednesday if I don't have the baby before then.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Antiques Roadshow - Grand Rapids Episode 1

Last night was the first episode of Antiques Roadshow in Grand Rapids. Kristen's mom was on with her earrings that were originally cufflinks from Czar Nicholas II (you can also see her dad in the background earlier on in the show). Here is the video. It is a little quiet but you can read the transcripts and see the official Roadshow video at:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

39 weeks!

I am at 39 weeks as of today, so in theory, I only have one more week! At my last doctor's appointment, they said I was measuring like I was 37 weeks pregnant (instead of 38) but they said to take that with a grain of salt. So my due date hasn't really changed. I still feel great - I still go to the gym 6 days a week (although, I may stop going next week), I've been busy organizing the house and doing some light yard work, and have a few last minute appointments scheduled for this week. Hopefully, these will be the last "Baby Bump" pictures with Baby pictures taking their place next week!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Antiques Roadshow

As you may remember, Kristen's mom was filmed for Antiques Roadshow when they visited Grand Rapids. She had a pair of earrings appraised that were originally cufflinks given to her Grandfather by Czar Nicholas II. The earrings have the Romanov family Imperial Coat of Arms on them and the appraiser thought they might be designed by Faberge. They film around 100 people but not everyone makes it on air. Ilze didn't think she would be on air because the appraiser was nervous and we didn't have much background information. The first Grand Rapids episode airs on PBS next Monday (April 20) at 8pm. Since there is a chance that we'll be in the hospital, Kristen went in to set the DVR to record the show. When we looked at the write-up of the episode, it mentioned the Gilmore Car Collection, a letter written by Gerald Ford to his kindergarten teacher, and cufflinks with the Czar's crest! So it looks like she made the cut and will be on TV next week. We are all very excited!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

More Squirrels...

This year for Christmas, Phil got me a Flip Video camera to use once the baby is born. The goal is to be able to put some videos on the blog for out of town family and friends to see. I've taken a few practice videos, but hadn't tried putting them on the blog yet. Here is my first attempt:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Our Squirrels

This year for Christmas, Phil got a squirrel feeder from my parents (we both love squirrels). The weather finally was nice enough to hang it on our deck. You fill it with peanuts and the squirrels have to lift up the lid to get at the food. It took them about 24 hours to find the feeder and then another week and a half to figure out how to get the nuts out. They are still a bit leary of it - the lid does not stay up on its own and it scares them when it closes on them or slams shut. Today was the first day they actually had success. They only stick their head/nose in to grab the nut and then run away to eat it. They are hysterical to watch. Here are some photos of the learning process:

Just checking it out...

Nope... not quite!



Enjoying their reward.

37 Weeks!

I am at 37 weeks so I am officially full term. The baby has dropped and my doctor says everything is looking good. I still feel great and am able to get around pretty well. I had the car seat installed in my car today so we're ready! I have a few more projects to wrap up around the house so hopefully that will keep me occupied for the next few weeks!