Tuesday, May 26, 2009

4 Weeks!

William turned 4 weeks old today. We had a busy week: lots of walks, hanging out in the backyard, a trip to Lowe's, a visit from the EGR girls, a Friay night grocery trip, and dinner at Boston Market. He is still sleeping well at night (knock on wood) and even gave us one 6 hour stretch. Here are some photos:

So Serious

EGR Girls

Big Stretch!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

3 Weeks Old!

Today is William's three week birthday. He had quite a busy day: his first real bath (it was sponge baths up to this point), a walk into Gaslight Village to get Starbucks, and a visit to mom's favorite store: Wealthy at Charles. He was very well behaved for all of it. Here are a few more photos:

A family photo by our new Maple tree in the backyard

Enjoying some fresh air in the back yard

First time in the bouncy seat

Monday, May 18, 2009

Maran and Josh's Wedding

This weekend we were in Detroit for Phil's sister's wedding. It was a great weekend - the ceremony and reception were wonderful and it was great to see all our out of town family. It was also William's first road trip and he behaved really well at both the rehearsal dinner and the wedding. Here are a few photos:

Hair and Make-up at Todd's Room:

Kristen's parents were at the wedding and helped (a lot!) with baby duty:

Cutting the cake:

Maran and Phil

Maran and Josh

Thursday, May 14, 2009

William Does Not Like His Crib

As you can see from this video, William does not like his crib. He has been sleeping in his car seat everynight. Our pediatrician says that is very common and very normal during the first 2 months. She said at around the 2 month mark he would transition to the crib without any problems. We hope so! He doesn't really like the bassinet yet but he will lay in it for 30-45 minutes without crying so that's a step in the right direction! At night, he does sleep in the car seat for 3 - 3 1/2 hours at a time so we can't complain too much. (I love his legs!)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2 Weeks Old!

As of 1:22 this morning, William was 2 weeks old! He has had a busy week: a lot of visitors, a brief stay at Grandma and Grandpa's, numerous walks, and his first bottle. On Mother's Day, we were able to take him to the greenhouse to pick out some trees for the backyard and then we had a quick lunch at Wendy's. Not the most exciting outing but it was nice to be out and about. He did very well. Today was his 2 week check-up. He got a perfect bill of health. He is gaining weight at the appropriate amount and we don't have to go back to the doctor until July. Here are a few photos from this week:

Squirming in the Bassinet

First Fast Food Experience

Four Generations:

Friday, May 8, 2009

William on the Go

Enjoying "Tummy Time"

Visiting with Great Great Aunt Erika (they were born 100 years + 2 days apart)

Visiting Great Oma

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One week old!

William turned one week old today. He had his first check up with the pediatrician yesterday and received a perfect bill of health. He had gained 3 oz since he left the hospital which was exactly what they wanted him to gain.

William and Porter the Puppy:

Spending some time playing on the floor:

William's first trip downtown:

Friday, May 1, 2009

William Martin Maguran

We would like to welcome the new addition to our family: William Martin Maguran. William was born at 1:22 am on Tuesday, April 28th. He was 9lbs 5oz and 21" long. Both mom and baby are doing well. We went into the hospital on Sunday night when Kristen's contractions were 5 minutes apart, but were sent home because she wasn't dilated enough. When we went back in on Monday morning (after a fairly painful night), we were checked in and the waiting began. At around 11pm, we started pushing but the baby kept getting stuck. So the decision was made to proceed with a c-section. The surgury went great and we are thrilled with our new baby boy! Here are a few photos:

Kristen and William heading to the post-natal room

The proud father:

The happy mother:

William showing off his big eyes:

Getting ready to head home: