Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
William's Birthday Party!
Too Much Birthday!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Swimming Lessons
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Will is officially a toddler! He took his first 4 steps for Grandma on Friday morning. Friday night we had some friends over for pizza, and he took another 10 steps in the kitchen. Everyone was very impressed. He spent Saturday practicing as much as he could. We were able to get a bunch of video clips. His record is 15 steps but he consistently does 5-10 steps at a time. We're very proud of him. Our little baby is growing up!
Finger Walking
Will has mastered finger walking. He likes to go back and forth across our house. It's really cute to watch!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I was able to get a few video clips at Gymboree yesterday. They aren't the greatest - I needed both hands most of the time but it gives you an idea of the activities.
Up and Almost Down
Will is very determined to master cruising up and down stairs. He has gotten pretty good at going up the step between our family room and kitchen but hasn't consistently been able to go down without falling. He is very persistent and will go up and down for 15+ minutes at a time.
He is also getting really frustrated that he can't walk on his own. He'll be crusing along walls, around corners, etc. but when he tries to let go and take a step he'll still fall. Then he lays down on his back, kicks his legs, and whines for a bit. Then he's back on his feet trying again. So funny.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!
Playing with his Easter Goodies
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Singing songs at the beginning of class
Rocking Horse (his friend left before we could get a picture)
Bouncing on the Trampoline
Playing in the inner tubes
Will LOVES the tunnels
Climbing up one of the ramps