Friday, November 28, 2014

Christmas Tree Day!

Today was our traditional "Christmas Tree Day." We drove out to Rockford to Hart's Tree Farm. As usual, we ran into our friends the VanderVeldes in the parking lot. We found the perfect tree for the family room (tall and skinny) and took the tractor/hay ride back to the parking lot. After loading up the tree, we drove into Rockford for lunch at the Corner Bar. Then we walked around the corner to check out the new Ramona's Table. We saw Charlie, the owner, and ordered some sandwiches to go. We took a quick walk at the spillway before heading home. While we waited for the branches to "fall," the boys played trains. As it started to get dark, we started to decorate. The boys did a great job - only a few ornaments were broken in the process. After dinner, we curled up and watched "The Polar Express" in the glow of the tree.

Chugga Chugga, Choo Choo!

On Wednesday, Grandma and Grandpa came down to set up the trains. The boys have been looking forward to this since last Christmas. They both remembered all their favorite cars and couldn't wait to help with set-up. Prior to Grandma and Grandpa coming, we decorated the "kiddie tree" in the basement. The boys made a few new ornaments for the tree and they were pretty proud of how it turned out.
Mesmerized by Dad's new Record Player
Engineer Alex

Friday, November 21, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today was William's Thanksgiving Play at school. He is in the top row next to the flag (wearing a striped sweater).

Thursday, November 20, 2014

First Snow

It is a winter wonderland in Kalamazoo! We got a few inches of snow last week and then the big storm hit on Monday. We actually had our first snow day on Tuesday!  The boys and I spent the day making gingerbread boys, playing outside, and watching Charlotte's Web.  

Last weekend, we went to Grand Rapids for an "Elf" movie night.  Our friends went all out with Elf buttons for everyone, a hot chocolate bar, popcorn machine, and bottles of syrup to take home.  
Just a flurry
I had the chair to myself for about 5 seconds
Hot Chocolate while William was in music class at WMU
Hot Cocoa Bar

Cold day at the bus stop
Winter Wonderland
Gingerbread Boys
Snow Day Fun
Skating with Dad

During the summer, the boys and I made alphabet books. Each week we decorated a new letter to put in their books. I caught Alex reading his:

Friday, November 7, 2014

Micro Kickers

Today was Alex's first soccer class. He patiently sat on the sideline and watched William play for about 6 months and he was so excited that it was finally his turn. He did a very good job listening to Coach Nick and participated in all the drills.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Our Halloween festivities started on Thursday. William was able to wear his costume to school for his party and parade. Phil worked from home on Thursday, so we were all able to go up to watch the parade. It was very cute - there were a lot of great costumes. I think William was the only astronaut. One classroom had 5 Elsas so at least he was original! After the parade we went out to lunch. In the afternoon, William and I cleaned out our pumpkins and roasted pumpkin seeds. After dinner, we carved the pumpkins as a family. Then we got into PJs to watch Charlotte's Web (we recently read the book). 

 William didn't have school on Friday so we spent the morning wishing it was time to trick or treat. Grandma and Grandpa arrived around lunch time and the boys had fun playing with them. Around 2pm we had a fun (sarcastic) surprise... snow! The boys were pretty excited even though they knew it would be cold for trick or treating. After dinner, we bundled up in a lot of layers and braved the elements. The boys had a great time and even Alex walked the entire time. After we got home, we swapped out all the unsafe peanut candy for safe items and the boys helped Grandpa pass out candy.