Wednesday, May 31, 2017


William's class has had their butterfly release today. They received two aquariums full of caterpillars and they watched them eat/grow and form their chrysalis. They started to emerge over the weekend and today was the big release.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Weekend Fun

We had a lot of fun over Memorial weekend. Our basketball hoop was FINALLY installed so we spent a lot of time outside shooting hoops. We also had a cookout at the Grindall's. A lot of friends from the neighborhood were there. The boys were able to try to play cricket which was fun for them. We had Parker over for a sleepover on Sunday night and walked to Texas Corners for ice cream on Sunday. The pool also opened this weekend so we made two trips so the boys could swim. We were also able to work on some projects around the house. Three more weeks of school... we are ready for summer!
Enjoying the half day with some batting practice
Jiffy Pop over the fire

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Day at Bair Lake

The boys will both be attending camp at Bair Lake this summer. William will be going for overnight camp and Alex will go for a week long day camp. They had a family open house on Saturday which was a lot of fun. We had lunch, the kids did the zip line, rode canoes and kayaks, swam at the beach, played mini golf, did an archery game, and Alex even did "The Stand." We went with several families from the neighborhood and the kids had a great time.
Waiting for the Zip Line
William and Parker
Rylan and Alex

Friday, May 26, 2017

Golden Glove

William had a great night of baseball tonight. He was playing in the outfield and ran up to cover second base for an out. He got two players out at first base. He was hitting really well - he had hits at all five of his at bats. It was his turn to win the Golden Glove. He was a happy boy!

Last Day of Preschool

This was a week of "lasts" for Alex. Last time being picked up from Curious Kids by Grandma and Grandpa. Last day in room 112. And the last day of preschool! His class celebrated with a party at Jungle Joe's. Alex still gets to go to Curious Kids for a few more weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays to room 117.