Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween!

It was a perfect night for trick or treating. We started the evening at our friends' house in the neighborhood. They always have everyone over for a quick dinner before heading out. The dads took the kids around the neighborhood and I went home to hand out candy. There were a lot of trick or treaters out but we didn't seem to have quite as many stop at our house as in previous years. The boys came home with their buckets full.

We loved this group of boys!
What a fun crew!

Moorsbridge Halloween

The boys had a great day at school celebrating Halloween. Will's class had their party first thing in the morning. The rotated through 3 games and two crafts. Then they went outside for the costume parade. After the parade, they had cider, donuts, and a caramel apple bar. Alex's class did their party after the parade (they had library first thing in the morning). They also rotated through some fun stations with clay monsters, pumpkin bridges, pumpkin bowling, and a ring toss. Both boys had a great time!
Where's Waldo at Moorsbridge
Stack-it Up
Bucket of Dirt
Spooky Tap Lights
Mrs. Konkel's 4th Grade Class
Mrs. Taylor's 1st Grade Class

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Pumpkin Carving

We took advantage of a free Saturday afternoon to carve our pumpkins. Will did the majority of his on his own. He needed a little help to finish scraping out the pulp but did all the carving by himself. We had to help Alex clean out his pumpkin but he carved the majority of the face on his own. They turned out great but are staying in the garage until Halloween to protect them from the critters.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Western Michigan Football Game

It only took five years, but we finally made it to a WMU football game. The boys found some friends and played on the hill near the end zone. It was pretty chilly out, and a school night, so we left halfway through the 3rd quarter.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Safety Duty

At the end of the year in fourth grade, you can apply to be a safety for your fifth grade year. Most kids (William included) really want to be a safety. In the fall, the fifth graders also spend two nights at Sherman Lake Camp as a class. While they are gone, a few fourth graders get picked to fill in for them. Will was among the seven kids in his class chosen - he was so excited! His teacher said they chose responsible kids, who do their work, and follow the rules. Today was his first day. He is responsible for four Kindergartners and has to get them on to their bus at the end of the day. Today, he picked them up from the art room. On Tuesday he will get them in the classroom and on Wednesday they will be in gym. He did a good job keeping them together today. Two of the girls in his group were the younger siblings of two of his buddies (and baseball teammates) so they recognized him. Will is hopeful that this experience will help him get a position next year.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Fall Fun at Koetsier's

The boys (especially Will) had been asking to go to Koetsier's in Grand Rapids so they could do all the fun fall activities. Since Phil was in Ann Arbor for the football game, the boys and I drove up after Alex's hockey practice. This was probably the last year Will would enjoy it. They painted pumpkins, planted cat grass, played in the bounces houses, we went for a hayride, and they rode the bumble bee train. Then we visited with Grandma and Grandpa for a bit before heading home to watch the football game.