Monday, July 23, 2007

Addition - Day 50

The drywall stage is done! They started priming the walls today. They also measured for carpet which we will pick out later this week.

In an attempt to save money, we decided not to re-side the entire house. Instead, we are going to sand the existing wood siding and will repaint it to match the new siding on the addition. The new paint job should last for a few years. While Phil was in NYC over the weekend, my parents came over to help with scraping. Phil and I worked on it some more today. The house does not look nice right now. But we hope to have it sanded and painted within the next few weeks.


Anonymous said...

wow the addition looks great! you know what else is great? french silk pie. -beth

Anonymous said...

I've been following your progress. Looks great! The messiest part must be over.

Remodelling is always messy (and stressful) but also very satisfying when it's finished.
