Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Technical Difficulties

We've been experiencing some technical difficulties with our computer lately so that is why there haven't been any good posts lately. The computer seems to freeze really quickly and I have a lot of trouble with uploading pictures and videos. We are currently computer shopping so I hope to have some updated photos soon!

William is doing great. Last night he slept from 11pm to 5am which was great for mom and dad! He is definitely getting bigger and spends more of his days awake. He likes to spend time in the bouncy seat and can follow his toys (especially the sock monkey Great Aunt Mara made) with his eyes.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I highly recommend a Mac for pictures and videos. That is, if Phil doesn't need a PC at home to log in to work. We made the switch last year and we love it!

p.s. William's birth announcement is adorable!