Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"2 Month" Check-up

William had his 2 month check-up today. He weighed in at 12lbs 14 oz and 24" long. His doctor said he has a very strong neck and legs and will probably be able to turn himself over from stomach to back pretty soon. They did say we need to increase the amount of "tummy time" he has every day. He seems to be getting better at it and seems to enjoy it more so hopefully it won't be a miserable experience! He got his first set of immunizations. He cried right after they stabbed him, but seemed to settle down afterwards. He has been a little fussy this afternoon and a little groggy but that is normal.

Scooby Doo Band Aids


Sandy Maguran said...

He looks so wonderful! Great Grandma and I are looking while having dinner.

It must be so hard to deal with the shots and the pain. I can remember getting these and it was just awful.

Great Grandma showed me the photos you sent - beautiful. She said to thank you for them.

Aunt Sandy

Sandy Maguran said...

Great Grandma and I love watching the video clips and going through the photos every week. It's so exciting to see him growing and the fun you-all are having with him.

Aunt Sandy