Tuesday, August 4, 2009

14 Weeks Old!

William turned 14 weeks old today! And what a busy week it was. I don't want to jinx it, but we had 4 good nights in a row. He slept in 5 hour chunks and went back to bed with no issues after each feeding. A nap pattern is also starting to develop durubg the day. Granted, he isn't napping in the crib (see photos below) but we're getting there! He is also able to sit in the Bumbo without slumping forward. The other major development is that... he can roll over! Last night we put him in his crib when he got a little fussy, and when we checked on him 2 minutes later he was asleep on his stomach (thumb still in his mouth). I thought it might be a fluke, but he was on his stomach each time he woke up for a feeding. According to the pediatrician, it is a little ahead of schedule. Since he can push himself up, it isn't dangerous even though he can't quite turn himself back over. We do have to take the bumper out of the crib, which makes me laugh. The purpose of the bumper is to prevent him from hitting his head when he rolls over but you have to take it out when he can roll over so he doesn't suffocate.

Sitting in his "armchair"

Sleeping in the bouncy seat on the counter

Falling asleep during tummy time (twice)!

After turning over for the first time

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