Wednesday, February 17, 2010

9 Month Well Visit

William had his 9 month well visit yesterday. He was measured at 28.75" (50th percentile - up from our last visit!), 21.3 lbs (50th percentile), and 18" head circumference (50th percentile). The doctor was impressed with his fine motor skills -he is a pro at the pincher grasp and excels at putting things in his mouth. He is also ahead of schedule in regards to stair climbing, standing, and waving. In the next three months, we get to work on drinking from a sippy cup (he should be weaned from the bottle by 12 months), eating "big boy" foods (he should be off baby food and just eating table food), and learning a few words.

It is amazing how much he understands now - if you ask him if he wants his bottle, he'll crawl to the kitchen. He'll also crawl to his room or his sled if asked.

He has started playing a new game: he'll stand right next to a piece of furniture and bend down to hide his paci (he's started sucking on one lately - I think its a teething thing, he doesn't use it at night or for comfort). Then he'll crawl away and bend down to look for it. When he sees it he'll laugh and crawl over to retrieve it. Then the process is repeated. He also has started "dancing" to music. I'm hoping to have video posted of that soon. I haven't witnessed it yet, but my mom has seen him sit a few feet away from our house plants and say "uh-uh." So I think he understands that he isn't supposed to play with them anymore. He hasn't tried to climb on them lately! He's also been avoiding the CO detector - he'll just sit and look but won't touch. What a good boy!

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