Monday, March 29, 2010

11 Months Old!

William is 11 months old! The countdown is on to his first birthday. Will is getting better and better at crusing. He can walk pretty quickly while only resting one hand on the furniture. He is also pretty good at standing up from sitting. There were a few times over the weekend when we thought he would take a step... but no walking yet!

This weekend, Grann came up to visit. We went to the mall to play on the breakfast food, went for a nice walk into town, played in the yard, and then she watched Will for us on Saturday night while Phil and I went out to dinner. Will had a great time playing with her and her two dogs!

We had a hard time getting a seated picture on Porter. He just wanted to stand!

Playing Outside

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Standing / Removing / Hiding

Here are a few random videos I thought you would like:

We can't keep these books on the shelf

Hide and Seek!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Where are your ears?

Grandma taught Will a fun new trick today:

He also said "bye bye" while waving at Grandpa but we weren't able to replicate that yet!

Weekend Update

We had a really nice weekend. On Friday, Phil came home early but of course the little guy was napping. After he woke up, we played in the front yard with Aaron and Sammy. Then we went to a nice family dinner at Arnie's. It was perfect for us - there were at least 4 other highchairs in our vicinity. Will tried his first few bites of turkey (that didn't come out of a baby food jar) and enjoyed watching the little boy at the table next to us. We are working on feeding him "adult" food instead of baby food. He seems to enjoy it when we're eating with him but rejects it when he's eating alone.

On Saturday, we went over to our friend's house for dinner. Will got to play with their daughter Lia (the little girl he was talking to in a previous blog post). He also had his first piece of pizza. He's had bites before but this was the first time he ate it as the majority of his meal. The first half I fed to him but he ate the second half on his own!

Sunday morning, we went out to breakfast. Will ate some pancakes in addition to his baby food fruit. Then we went to Toys R Us to buy his birthday presents. He had a good time crawling around and he loved any toy that had buttons to push. Sunday afternoon we went for a walk and then just hung around the house. We had a nice family dinner Sunday night and Will ate his entire serving of Gerber "pasta pick-ups." Such a good boy!

He climbed in here all by himself

Our "pet" squirrel will come right up to the window to ask for peanuts!

This patch of floor is really clean!

Attacking Dad's Leg

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Playing Like a Big Boy

The weather was wonderful today. Will went to the playground with his Grandpa and discovered the sandbox. He loved letting the sand run through his fingers. He didn't try to put any in his mouth but I'm sure he'll give it a try one of these days! He came back full of sand. I'm sure there will be lots of trips to the playground this summer and I'm sure he will love the birthday gift his Grandma and Grandpa are planning to give him!

After his nap, I took him outside. We were going to go for a walk but he wanted nothing to do with the stroller. So I plopped him down on the grass. He spent about an hour crawling around, playing with leaves, and waving at the dogs and kids that walked by. Our neighbors, Aaron and Sam, came over to play for a bit. They love Mr. William and like showing off for him. He came inside with grass stains on this knees, wood chips in his hair, and dirt under his finger nails. He earned his bath today!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Butterflies at Night

Sunday night, we went to a "member's only" event at the botanical gardens. The butterflies are in the conservatory, and they had the cafe open, there was a band, refreshments, and craft activities for kids. We met our friends Mike, Cara, and Claire for a quick bite and then went to see the butterflies. Claire (who's 1 1/2) really liked the butterflies. Will was more impressed by his first taste of lemonade.

Our little caterpillar

Children's Museum

We took Will to the Children's Museum on Saturday. He had a really good time crawling around and playing with all the fun stuff. A lot of it was for bigger kids, but they had an area for babies and toddlers.

Playing with the balls

He could barely reach the table

Peek a Boo!


Tunnel of Mirrors

Fire Engine!

We finally put together the fire engine Will got for Christmas from his Grandma and Grandpa. He is still a little too short to ride on it - his toes don't quite reach the ground. He does like standing next to it, putting toys on the seat and pushing them back and forth, and ringing the bell!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Good Morning, Sunshine!

Will is all smiles when he wakes up in the morning. It's a great way to start the day!

Standing and Cruising

Will is a good little cruiser! He can go back and forth on the couch - espeically when enticed by the remote. He's also standing on his own more and more. We don't think he's doing it intentionally. It seems like he gets distracted and just forgets to hold on. The standing video isn't great. He usually only stands for 5 seconds at a time so it is hard to catch. I'm sure we'll have more video footage in the near future!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010