Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Playing Like a Big Boy

The weather was wonderful today. Will went to the playground with his Grandpa and discovered the sandbox. He loved letting the sand run through his fingers. He didn't try to put any in his mouth but I'm sure he'll give it a try one of these days! He came back full of sand. I'm sure there will be lots of trips to the playground this summer and I'm sure he will love the birthday gift his Grandma and Grandpa are planning to give him!

After his nap, I took him outside. We were going to go for a walk but he wanted nothing to do with the stroller. So I plopped him down on the grass. He spent about an hour crawling around, playing with leaves, and waving at the dogs and kids that walked by. Our neighbors, Aaron and Sam, came over to play for a bit. They love Mr. William and like showing off for him. He came inside with grass stains on this knees, wood chips in his hair, and dirt under his finger nails. He earned his bath today!

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