Playing in Lake Ontario
Boating on Lake Superior
On the Austrailian Trail at the Zoo
Will loved the petting zoo
The bears were pretty active
Going for a ride
Phil, Kristen, William, and Alex
Update: Will is officially off the bottle. We cut out his bottles during the day but had kept the bedtime bottle. Now that he sucks down his milk during the day without any trouble, we eliminated the bedtime bottle on Friday. We offered him his sippy cup, but he didn't really want it. He just snuggled and listened to his story.
We had another really fun weekend. Friday night, we went out to dinner at a new hotdog place on Wealthy. It was opened by someone Kristen used to work with at Erika's. Auntie Kate joined us and we all had a good time. Saturday morning, we got up early to do the Hospice of Michigan 5k walk in East. We met at the middle school. Before the walk, Will ran around the gym, listened to the band they had, and splashed in the kiddie pool that was meant to be a giant water dish for the dogs. He was a good boy during the walk - hardly a peep out of him. Then we stopped by the Hofmeyer's to visit. Saturday afternoon we played outside, went grocery shopping, and we sat out on the deck for a few hours after Will went to bed. Sunday was a gorgeous day - probably our first weekend day of true summer weather. We walked into town in the morning and then did a bunch of yard work. Will had a great time playing outside. He loves his sandbox, exploring the yard, and playing with the hose. Phil was helping to water the plants and Will really liked playing with the water. His shirt got soaked but he dried off pretty quickly.
The videos below were too cute - I couldn't pick just one to post. Basically, Will + Suncreen + Sandbox + Freshly Mowed Grass + Dirt = A Messy Boy. He was covered from head to toe so we stripped him down to his diaper and rinsed him off. He didn't mind at all and was pretty sad when we turned the hose off.