Sunday, May 2, 2010

12 Month Check-up

Will had his 12 month check-up on Friday. He was given a perfect bill of health. The doctor was very impressed with his walking and fine motor skills. They also think he is really strong for his age (the nurse discovered this while giving him his shots). Will charmed the doctor and the nurse with his waving, clapping, and played peek-a-boo with them from behind the exam table. Here are his stats from the visit:

Height: 29.75" (50th percentile)
Weight: 23 lbs (54th percentile)
Head Diameter: 18" (68th percentile)

We are supposed to eliminate his bottle and switch from formula to whole milk. He should have 3 sippy cups of milk/day for a total of 12-16 oz. So far, we've switched to two sippy cups of formula during the day but are still doing a bottle of formula at bedtime. He doesn't quite finish the two cups so we want to give him a larger quantity at bed time. Once he gets used to the cups we'll switch to milk. Right now, he spits milk out so we don't want to shock him too badly. He is also supposed to be off baby food. He did a pretty good job of only eating "big boy food" this weekend. He is able to eat peanut butter now and he really likes PB&J sandwiches. He also likes bananas (the last time we tried them he hated them) and adult yogurt. It's nice to have a few go to foods that aren't too difficult to prepare.

We had a nice weekend at home. We walked up to Gaslight and had dinner at Ramona's Table. It was a nice evening so we were able to sit outside. Saturday morning, we had swim lessons. Will did a great job. One of the skills they want us to work on is holding on to the side of the pool. Will grabbed right on and was able to hold himself up for quite a while. Saturday afternoon we ran some errands and then stayed in for dinner. On Sunday, we walked up to Gaslight again for lunch at Olga's. Then we spent some time in the backyard playing in the sandbox. It was a fun weekend!

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