Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mayhem at the Magurans

1. Will has figured out how to open and close his diaper pail. The germs and smell were bad enough. But then he started putting his lovey in there. Which lead to daily washings. The diaper pail has been relocated to the bathroom linen closet. Not the most convenient, but a lot less disgusting.

2. Will likes taking apart my wallet and especially likes taking out the money. I can only imagine what his teenage years will be like.

3. Will has always enjoyed playing with the silverware in our dishwasher when we had it open. But now he's learned how to open it himself. He's also figured out the glasses on the second shelf are more fun to play with than the spoons and forks...

1 comment:

John and Lauren said...

Elizabeth is working on that same dishwasher trick. Will must have told her about it when they were visiting a few weeks ago.