Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our Valentine's Day project this year was to make thumbprint cookies for our family members. Will was a big help. He poured all the ingredients into the mixing bowl for me. Once the cookies were formed into balls, he pressed his little thumb into the center of each one. The first cookie sheet was completed with no trouble, but then he sampled one of the crumbs that formed. Once he realized how yummy it was, all he wanted to do was eat cookie dough. So we had to take a little break before finishing the batch. He was a little upset once they were all done. After the cookies were baked, Will helped package them. He did great until he realized they were COOKIES! Then we wanted to take a nibble out of each one. So we had to set aside a special William Cookie for him to sample when we were done. Will had a lot of fun - he really likes helping in the kitchen.

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