Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Trick or Treat!

We had a great Halloween. William was super excited all day to go trick or treating. We had some friends over for pizza before heading out. All the kids cooperated with their costumes - even Phil dressed up (which Will thought was hysterical)! Once they were all dressed, they loaded into the wagon and we started out. Will did a great job of saying "Trick or Treat" and "Happy Halloween" at each house. With a little prompting, he remembered to say "thank you." He kept asking when we could go to the next house to get more candy.

He had a few pieces of candy last night and totally crashed when he went to bed. This morning, the first thing he did was look for his candy pail and start looking at all his loot.

Elise, Joseph, and William

Trick or Treating in Style

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