Friday, January 6, 2012

Alexander Gene Maguran

Welcome Alexander Gene Maguran!

Born: Monday, January 2, 2012
Time: 2:10 pm
Weight: 6 lbs 15 oz
Lenght: 20"

Kristen went into labor on Sunday, January 1. She started to notice the contractions around 11pm, however, it was primarily "back labor" so the contractions probably started earlier and she just assumed it was typical back pain. At around 4 am the contractions were about 4-5 minutes apart so we called the doctor who said to make our way to the hospital within the next hour. So we called Grandma and Grandpa who came over to watch William.

When we got to the hospital, Kristen was at 4cm so we were admitted (unlike with with William). Kristen labored w/o an epidural for a while since the pain meds seemed to slow labor down with Will. Once she got it, they checked her and she was at 8cm. It didn't take long at that point to fully dialate and start pushing. Unfortunately, after 2 hours of pushing, the baby hadn't really moved. Her pelvic bone arched and blocked his way. So they started prepping for a c-section.

Alex was born at 2:10 pm. As it turned out, his umbilical cord was very short and he likely would have been a c-section regardless. Alex is doing great! He is eating well and barely lost any weight while in the hospital. We have his first check-up later this morning. Big Brother William seems to be adjusting well - at least so far.

Waiting at the hospital

First Baby Picture

Happy Mom

Meeting his Big Brother

Heading home

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