The Magurans

The Magurans

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Tummy Time and Visitors

Despite the fact that Will was pretty sick on Thursday and Friday, we had a pretty nice weekend. Friday night we just stayed in since Will was under the weather and Phil was just getting back from Chicago. We had a lazy morning on Saturday and then went to the Schnitz for lunch. We had some surprise visitors in the afternoon - cousin Julia and her husband John were in tiwn from Madison. We got to spend a few hours with them as well as the Hofmeyers (Aunt Katie was also in town). On Sunday, we went for a nice walk in the morning. Will was in a bit of "a mood" all day but we were able to walk up to Woodcliff to watch Phil play tennis after nap.

Alex has gotten quite good at tummy time which you will see below.

Alex's First Shot

Another pic from the zoo

Great Tummy Time

Visitors from Madison

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