The Magurans

The Magurans

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Up North with Grandma and Grandpa

Will was a luck boy this week - he got to go up to Aunt Mara and Uncle Ken's cottage with Grandma and Grandpa! They left Tuesday after lunch (when I got home from work) and came back Wednesday around dinner time. 

Will took a quick nap on the way and was ready to go once they got there. He ran around the cottage to check everything out and then went down to the lake with Grandpa. To get to the lake, you have to walk down a path, find the stairs, and then take the boardwalk to the dock. After one time down he knew the way and was the guide for the rest of the trip. They tried to go to Bud's for dinner but a huge (50+) group of students from Interlochen beat them there so they ended up at Chili's. But they were able to go to Moomer's for dessert. Will really liked the name... he still giggles about it.

He slept well and woke up early enough to see the sunrise. He said to my mom, "Look at how beautiful the sky looks." After breakfast, they went down to the lake to explore a bit and saw two deer. Then they put on their swimsuits and life jackets to play in the water. Will was a little scared at first but then realized how fun it was and they couldn't get him out. They left for home a little after 3pm. Will fell asleep instantly and slept the whole way home... we had to wake him up in the driveway.

While Will was gone, Alex and I enjoyed some one on one time. We did a lot of playing, read a lot of books, and took a couple walks (when it wasn't too hot). We stopped at the playground for a bit to do some swinging.
Wading with Grandpa

Splashing at the Lake

Checking out Duck Lake

Boardwalk to the Lake

Oatmeal with Grandpa

It wouldn't be a trip to the cottage without a stop at Moomers!

Refilling the bird feeders

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