Friday, January 4, 2013

1 Year Stats

Alex and I had a busy day. We went to Snipits so he could get his first haircut. He did a great job. He sat in the chair like a big boy and didn't cry at all. Then we went to the botanical gardens to walk around for a bit. He was a bit hesitant and held my hand on our first lap around the conservatory but then took off on his own and led the way. We walked around the conservatory 3 times and then went to see the trains. He loved watching the little red trolley go back and forth on the short track. Then we went for his 1 year check-up. He had to have 3 immunizations, his flu booster, and blood drawn to check for lead and hemoglobin. Here are his 1 year stats: 

Height: 29.5" (35%) 
Weight: 20.5 lbs (34%) 
Head: 17.5" (11%) 

We are ready to transition him from formula to whole milk. We also will start transitioning from bottles to sippy cups.


Look at the trains!

Exploring the Gardens
First Haircut

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