Friday, June 7, 2013

17 Months

Alex turned 17 months old a few days ago. He is talking up a storm. I went back and checked the blog for when Will was 17 months. He could say the following 17 words: up, mama, dada, eat, yum, hi, bye bye, milk (mak), duck, truck (guck), Oma (Ah-ma), down, arm, water (wawa), banana (nana), uh-oh, eit (light).

Alex is up to 53: up, dada, cup, car, dog, kiss (diss), shoes (ash), grandpa (grappa), poop, fish (ish), lunch (unch), all done, hot, uh-uh, bird (bir), banana (nana), lovey (ovey), cheese (eash), uh-oh, hi, cook, hug, sock (gock), mama, teeth, hat, bubble (bubba), chalk, stick, rock, trash, seat, block, down, arm, truck, top, William (e-um), book, crash, ball, pool, bath (baf), catch (getch), milk (mak), snack (ack), bye, go, brush, crumb, muffin (muf). 

These are words that he actually says in the correct context without prompting (i.e. pointing at a bird and saying bird).  He repeats a lot of other words but doesn't use them on his own yet.  It is going to be non-stop chatter in our house for the next 17 years...

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