Monday, July 22, 2013

Official Goodbye to Anderson Drive

We had a very busy and very fun weekend. On Friday, we drove up to Grand Rapids in the afternoon for closing on the Anderson house. We stopped by for one last look and Will was invited to stay with the neighbors while we ran to the appointment. They had a great time making Kool Aid play-doh. Closing went well and we went out to dinner with our neighbors at Big Bob's. Then we went back to their house for Popsicles and final goodbyes before driving back home. When we got back, the neighbors behind us were out so the boys got to play on their play equipment for a while before bed.

On Saturday morning, we took a family bike ride up to the Farmer's Market for breakfast and shopping. We had muffins and omelets and picked up a few things.  The boys played on the playground for a bit and we ran into two families we knew.  Then we rode back and took the boys to the pool.  Alex and I left after about an hour, but Phil and Will stayed for another 45 minutes or so.  They love the water!  We grilled out for dinner and enjoyed the patio.  After the boys went to bed, we sat out with the fire.  Phil went in at one point, and found Will looking longingly down on the patio from our bedroom window.  So he was invited back down for roasted marshmallows and a firefly hunt.

On Sunday, we drove over to Kalamazoo College and walked around their small campus for a bit.  We packed a picnic lunch at ate at the tennis facility and watched a few matches that were going on.  The highlight of the trip was the fact that Will got to see a train go by.  In the afternoon, Phil and Will went back to the pool.  We got a few things done around the house: hung some pictures, changed some light fixtures, etc. 
Fun with Friends

Saying goodbye is hard to do

First Popsicle

Fun with play-doh

Enjoying the fire

I got one!

On the hunt...

Letting them go

Alex loves to say "Cheese"

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