Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hanukkah Fun

On Saturday morning, we drove to Detroit to visit Grann. We had such a nice visit! We went for a nice long walk and did a lot of playing in her basement. The boys love playing with her wooden train set and put together an elaborate set-up. After the Michigan game, we took the kids "real bowling." Will has been several times before but Alex's only experience is watching Will play Wii or playing with the empty puffs containers in our basement. He was so excited to go real bowling and he looked very cute in his bowling shoes.

On Sunday morning, we drove to Ann Arbor for Hanukkah brunch with Aunt Maran, Uncle Josh, and Allie. The boys received some wonderful gifts and it was nice to spend time with everyone. When we got home, we had to set up Alex's train/airport set up and both boys played nicely with it. We also got Will's Leap Frog reader up and running and he spent the afternoon reading on and off. He even decided to read in bed after we said goodnight instead of listening to music.
Check out my shoes!
New Michigan Hockey Jersey!

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