Saturday, April 12, 2014

Warm Weather + Sun = Mulch!

The weather has been great this week. The boys and I had a play date on Wednesday at the playground with one of Will's new classmates that also lives in our neighborhood. He has twin brothers that are three so Alex had friends to play with, too. We also went to Will's future elementary school to check out the play equipment. On Friday, the boys eagerly waited for the delivery of 15 cubic yards of mulch. We were invited to our neighbor's house on Friday night for a cookout. They set up the fire pit in their driveway and the other neighbors came over after dinner for s'mores. The boys had a great time running around with all the kids and stayed up way past their bedtime.

On Saturday, we started mulch spreading mid morning. It was a perfect day for it. The boys helped a little, rode bikes, played in the sand table, etc. while we were working. We wrapped things up late afternoon. It feels good to have that checked off our "to do" list.
At Moorsbridge Elementary School
King of the Mountain
Good Helpers

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