Saturday, May 10, 2014

First T-Ball Game

Will had his first T-ball game today. It was a beautiful morning for a ball game! In t-ball, they go through the entire line-up each inning so everyone has a lot of turns at bat. Even if the runner is thrown out at first (which I doubt ever happens!) the runner still gets to stay on first base. So the score after three innings was 30-30. The last batter gets to run all the bases. William realized this after the first inning and sat at the end of the bench so he would get a chance to do it (the coach rotates so everyone gets a turn). William did very well. He had a couple good hits off the tee - one even went in the air. He also fielded a few balls that came his way and threw towards first. He seems to understand the basic rules which is good. He seemed to enjoy it. After the game, we ran to the library and then went out to lunch. In the afternoon, we played outside and then had a fire and made s'mores.

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