Saturday, August 30, 2014

U of M Football

Today we took William to his first U of M football game. Grandma and Grandpa came down early this morning to watch Alex for the day. William and I got on the road around 7:30 and met Phil in Ann Arbor. We parked the car and then walked to the union to have a quick snack and spin the cube. Then we walked over to Hoover so we could get a (two) dollar dog and watch the drum line perform their step show. Then we finished the walk to the stadium. We got there a little before 11 so we had plenty of time to find our seats, watch warm-ups, etc. When we were at the cube, I posted a picture of William to Instagram and it was actually displayed on the scoreboard a couple times! They scrolled through game day photos for about 10-15 minutes, and we happened to be there and were looking at the right time. He thought that was pretty cool! William loved the game. He asked a lot of questions (of course) and was so excited when Michigan scored. We told him we could leave half way through the 4th quarter but he insisted he wanted to stay until time ran out. Then we walked to Pizza House for dinner before walking through the diag. Then it was time to head home.
Celebrating Michigan's first touchdown
Dinner at Pizza House
Go Blue!
Ann Arbor bound
He's so excited!
This picture made it on the scoreboard!

Will's cube picture on the scoreboard
Dollar Dogs
Watching the step show

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