Monday, October 13, 2014

Final Harvest

We had a few nights with a hard frost last week which did in the last of our plants in the garden. The zucchini and peppers were still going strong but they didn't stand a chance against the 29 degree night time temperatures. Here was our final yield from the garden:

Zucchini - 45
Cucumber - 49
Tomato - 85 (67 large tomatoes, 18 plum/cherry sized)
Red Pepper - 7
Green Pepper - 8
Carrots - 25
Beans - 35 oz (which doesn't seem like a lot but it is around 500 beans)
Strawberries - about 8-10 lbs

Not a bad haul!  We were able to eat most of the vegetables the same day we picked them.  But we did get a little behind - we had a lot of fresh produce!  We were able to make 5 pints of tomato sauce, numerous batches of zucchini bread/muffins, we froze shredded zucchini for future muffins, made two jars of pickles, a jar of strawberry jam, and two batches of strawberry ice cream.  We also went apple picking and have 6 pints of applesauce in the freezer as well.  We should be able to eat a few "garden fresh" things each week throughout the winter.

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