Sunday, March 15, 2015

Spring is in the Air

Last Tuesday, William had his first official hockey class. The first 30 minutes was skating instruction geared towards hockey. The second half included stick handling and drills. William loved it! He had a big smile on his face the entire time. The weather warmed up this week so the boys spent a lot of time outside. The driveway was finally clear which meant the neighborhood kids set up the hockey nets in our driveway for roller hockey. We also did a lot of bike and scooter riding this week. On Friday night, we went to Family Movie Night at school. They were showing "Big Hero 6." The kids brought sleeping bags and we had pizza while watching the movie. The boys actually seemed to enjoy the movie - even though William fought us about going. On Saturday, we went to the nature center to participate in their 50th Annual Maple Sugar Festival. We took a sugar tour and did some of their other maple syrup related activities.

He shoots...

... He scores!

Clear driveway = Roller hockey

Movie Night at school

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