Sunday, June 14, 2015

Summer Fun

Despite all the rain this weekend, we had a few periods of really nice weather that we took advantage of. On Saturday morning, William and Alex had a birthday party for three of their friends (brothers) at Airway Lanes. The boys got to play a bunch of the games we had never tried before such as bumper cars, ball-o-rama, and time freak. They both had a lot of fun. The sun came out in the afternoon and we were able to go strawberry picking at a local farm. By that time, it was pretty hot and steamy so we went to the pool for a while. Several of Will's friends were there so it was a lot of fun. The boys swam for about 1.5 hours. Then we decided to grab a late dinner. We found a covered outdoor patio at a restaurant by our house and were able to enjoy a pretty heavy downpour while we ate.

Sunday was a pretty low-key day.  We had heavy rain most of the day so we did a lot of indoor activities.
Bumper Cars
Time Freak
15 lbs!
About 2 lbs from our strawberry patch

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