Thursday, August 13, 2015

Adventures in Geocaching

On Tuesday evening, we were invited to try geocaching with Parker and Mrs. Grindall. We went over to Al Sabo Nature Preserve and went treasure hunting. We found one pretty quickly near the entrance and then ventured in to the park on the hunt of another one. Unfortunately, we did not find that cache. We did, however, find an underground bee hive. William ended up with one sting, Alex got three, and Mrs. Grindall got 3. But that didn't stop us! The next day we went out in the afternoon and found three: at the church across the street, at Texas Park, and one in Applegate. Then Phil and Will walked down to the Farmer's Market after dinner and found two more. They asked to go out again today! It is a fun activity and gives a little purpose to our walks. We hope to do some hunting up north this weekend!
Success at Southridge!
Texas Park - Take it to Court
A micro cache hidden on the windmill
Near the Farmer's Market
Behind Ace Hardware
Along Moorsbridge Road

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