Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Day 7 of Winter Break + Snow Days

Well, I was curious about what we would do on Monday (our last day of winter break). Little did I know, we would have 2 more days off due to snow and ice! On Monday, the boys wanted to go to Barnes and Noble to pick out a couple things with their Christmas money. We had hot chocolate, went to story time, and picked out some books and legos. Then we spent a good portion of the day assembling legos and trying them out in the bathtub (they both chose boats). We also did a few art projects.  On Tuesday morning, we got the call that we had a snow day. We had a bit of freezing rain over night and then had a couple inches of snow on the ground. But the conditions were going to get worse. Mid morning, we decided to go sledding. By the time we got to the sledding hill, it started to rain (freezing rain). William made it down the hill a handful of times before icicles started forming on our hats/hoods. Alex wisely stayed in the pavilion and refused to sled. We spent the rest of the day reading, playing with legos, and watching a movie. After a few hours of freezing rain, it changed over to snow. We got around 8" on top of a layer of ice. So we got the call again this morning that school was called off. The roads were really icy and not all areas had been plowed. The sun is out, however, so I imagine the boys will be outside a lot today.
Shaving Cream and Food Coloring 
Legos, Legos Everywhere!
Power Boat and Fire Boat
Sledding in the Freezing Rain

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