Thursday, July 5, 2018

Happy 4th of July!

We had a fun day celebrating the 4th of July and Phil's birthday. We drove to East Grand Rapids and left our car at the Hofmeyer's. We walked up to the parade and made a quick stop at "William's Favorite Tree" on Pinecrest. We picked up lunch at Subway and then found a spot on the parade route. We met up with a few friends that were in town and the kids managed to get quite a bit of candy. We decided it was too hot to do the festivities down at the lake, so we stopped at Jersey Junction before walking back to the Hofmeyer's. The Lanes invited us to go on their pontoon boat on Reed's Lake and to play at the beach which was a nice way to stay cool! The kids played in the water for a few hours and then we went back to the Hofmeyer's for a cookout and sparklers. Then we wrapped up the day back at the Lane's beach/dock for fireworks. Some of the other members put on a "private" fireworks show before the EGR fireworks.
Will's Favorite Tree
4th of July in EGR
Part of the Private Show at Woodcliff Beach

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