Sunday, September 2, 2018

That's a Wrap!

We managed to fit a lot into our summer vacation. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day we did the following: 
 - 2 backyard campouts 
- Trip to Silver Beach 
- Family day at Bair Lake 
- Walking Beer Tour with friends 
- Several Baseball Tournaments (both Wild and WPLL Allstars) 
- Last day of school party at our house 
- Birthday parties for classmates 
- New AC and Furnace installation 
- Fishing Camp 
- Jury Duty 
- Wild baseball cookout at our house 
- Drive-in Movie 
- Fourth of July festivities -
 Great Wolf Lodge 
- Tree removal 
- Boys spent a weekend with Grann 
- Phil and I went to Ann Arbor 
- Boys went to the cottage with Grandma and Grandpa 
- Tiger's game 
- Baseball Clinics 
- Where's Waldo 
- Picnic Pops in Grand Rapids 
- Bair Lake Camp for both boys 
- Painted the boys bathroom walls and cabinets 
- Toddler Happy Hour at Mr. Paul's 
- Ninja Warrior Camp 
- Family trip to the cottage 
- Tennis Camp 
- Tie Dye 
- Chicago for a White Sox game 
- Tubing on the lake 
- Numerous trips to the pool 
- Growler's Game 
- Binder Park Zoo 
- Lots of fun with neighborhood friends 
- Visit from Uncle Andrew 
- Alligator Sanctuary 
- Lemonade Stand
- Garden Stones
- Up and At 'Em Breakfast

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