Monday, November 12, 2018

Bronco Hockey - Cadillac Freeze Tournament

Will had his first overnight hockey tournament in Cadillac this weekend. They played their first game on Friday night and got their first win of the season. The team had a block of rooms reserved at a local hotel/resort. The boys had door signs and everyone had pizza together at the hotel. They won their second game on Saturday morning and then won their third on Saturday night. Since they were 3-0, they made it into the semi-finals on Sunday morning. They had another team dinner at the hotel and spent a little time in the pool/hot tub. They ended up playing one of teams they had played earlier in the tournament in the semi-finals and won again which put them in the finals Sunday afternoon. They lost to a very good team but did get runner-up medals which was exciting. The video below shows Will's celebration after he scored his first goal and the team celebration after they won their first game.
Two assists for Will
Another assist
A goal and an assist
A goal!

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