Thursday, March 14, 2019

Will's Final Hockey Weekend

Will had his final hockey tournament of the season in South Bend last weekend.  The Broncos tied a team from Huron County (in the "thumb") on Friday afternoon.  Will played well, scored a goal, and received the game puck.  We went for a walk around campus for a bit before the team dinner that night.  On Saturday morning, we got to play on the Notre Dame ice which was a cool experience.  Unfortunately, we lost that game.  Then we played another Bronco team on Saturday afternoon.  We started off slow, but came from behind to win 8-6.  Will had a great "one-timer" which one of the dads captured from the bench.  We ended up playing the consolation game on Sunday morning against the same Bronco team.  That one ended up in a tie.  
The pass....
The goal!
The celebration.
Fist bumps on the bench.

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