Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day

I was able to help at Alex's Valentine's Day party at school. It was pretty low key: a sundae bar, Bingo, opening Valentines, and a scavenger hunt. Alex's foam airplane Valentines were a hit and his team won the scavenger hunt. Alex was so excited to get to make the lighthouse valentine box.  You may remember this from Will's 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade boxes.  Yes.  We've now made a similar box 4 years in a row.  This one will be put on a shelf and saved for next year!!!  Will had a party at school as well but they didn't need volunteers. They each decorated a movie theater sized box of candy to exchange and had a pizza party. We had a family Valentine's Day dinner on the 13th since Phil and Will were heading up to Ludington for hockey after school on Friday.
Light House Valentine Box

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