The Magurans

The Magurans

Monday, July 12, 2021

All Star Game 4

West Portage Navy took the field for their 4th game in 5 days tonight against the South Portage Navy team.  It was another close, exciting game but unfortunately West Portage lost 10-11.  Alex was pretty sad after the game but did go to congratulate his Muskie teammates (5 of them!) that were on the South Portage team.  We stopped for Y'OPA on our way home to celebrate how well Alex played.  Here are his amazing stats from the All Star Tournament:

Games Played:  4
Plate Appearances: 15
At Bats:  8
Batting Average:  .875 (he only got out once but did get an RBI that at bat)
On Base Percentage: .933
Hits:  7 (6 singles, 1 double)
Runs Batted In:  8
Runs Scored:  9
Base on Balls:  6
Strike Outs:  0
Hit by Pitch:  1
Stolen Bases:  12
Stolen Base Percentage:  100%
Fielding Total Chances:  7
Putouts:  7
Fielding Percentage:  100%
Errors: 0

Alex with two of his Muskie Teammates

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