Tuesday, November 23, 2021

From Happiness to Quarantine

Well, we went from extreme happiness because Alex had his first dose of the vaccine to sadness because he tested positive for COVID two days later. he started showing some symptoms so we took him in to be tested as a precaution. His rapid test came back negative but his PCR came back positive two days later. Since the rest of us were fully vaccinated, we could go about our business and just had to wear a mask as a precaution when in public. Alex was quarantined to his room for a week and his teacher had him up and running with virtual school after 1 hour of being notified. He did get to go outside for a bit to play in the first snowfall and also play carpet ball. He was anle to go back to school on the 17th and the rest of us gor the "all clear" with negative tests yesterday.

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