Sunday, May 19, 2024

Muskie Baseball

This weekend, we decided to participate in the Applegate neighborhood garage sale. Will also had a double header Saturday morning and Alex had a baseball tournament in Rockford. The sale was so busy and we got rid of a lot of stuff - it felt really good! Phil helped with the sale in the morning and then when to Will's games. Alex went up to Rockford with a teammate. Grandma and Uncle Ken met him there and watched his first game. Then Will and I drove up for his second game. Will drove back to Kalamazoo with a friend that was there watching his brother and Alex and I spent the night at Grandma's house. Will reffed two games on Sunday morning. Alex's team won their first game and advanced to the semi finals at noon. Unfortunately, they lost in extra innings. Alex played really well. He pitched 6+ innings and hit his 100 pitch limit for the weekend.


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