Wednesday, September 16, 2009

4 Month Check-up

William turned 20 weeks old yesterday and had his 4 month check-up today. He is now 25.75" long and weighs 14lbs 13oz. His height percentile went up slightly while his weight percentile went down - but is still well within the healthy/normal range for his size. Our pediatrician said she thought his lower gums were a little swollen and she thought she felt a sharp edge in there somewhere. So, we may have a tooth coming in soon. She also said he is incredibly strong for his age. He can push up his pelvis so he is on hands and toes (like downward facing dog in yoga). She said that it is very rare for a 4 month old to be able to do that - most are lucky to be on their hands and knees. She said to start the baby proofing now because he'll likely be crawling soon! We are supposed to continue with rice cereal and will get to start adding some baby food in a few weeks. The pediatrician also said that for a baby Will's age and size, he should be able to sleep 8 hours straight at night without feedings. He has regressed in the past few weeks and has been getting up twice a night. We are supposed to cut him off cold turkey - tonight starts the tough love. We're not even supposed to go in to check on him when he's crying because that could anger him more. I'm hoping he's sleepy tonight from the shots he had today... we'll let you know how it goes!

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