Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We gave Kristen's dad tickets to a Whitecaps game for his birthday. We picked a game at the end of the summer thinking William would enjoy it a little more if he was a little older. The day we were there, Maranda from Wood TV8 was also there doing a special on Grandparents. The camera crew caught us in our seats before the game. We didn't see the show on TV, but they finally posted the segment online. Here is the link:


You have to scroll down to the "Where You Live - Sept. 12" entry. William is on TV at the 2 minute mark - so you don't have to watch for too long to see him!

Will's fancy baseball "shoes" that he wore to the game

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Two things:

1. William and the rest of your family sure get a lot of TV time!

2. Maranda is still around? And she looks exactly the same!