Wednesday, July 28, 2010

15 Months Old!

William turned 15 months old today! And to celebrate, he had his 15 month check-up. We are pleased to report that he was given an excellent bill of health. He measured in at:

Weight - 23.25 lbs (42%)
Height - 31.75" (71%)
Head - 18.5" (46%)

He was typically at 50% across the board so we were happy with the height growth spurt. And Will is happy that his weight was at 42% - he has an extremely health appetite and we don't have to worry about cutting back!

Will passed all the 15 month milestones: walking backwards, stacking blocks, saying 2-5 words, scribbling, etc. We're very proud of our little guy. He was very brave when they gave him his shots. He was a little out of sorts after the shots, but rallied in time for Gymboree in the afternoon.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


One of Kristen's coworkers gave us a cool car swing for Will. Their kids (ages 9, 5, and 3) have long outgrown it. Unfortunately, we didn't have a good place to hang it at our house. But it is perfect under Grandma and Grandpa's deck! Will had a good time swinging this morning.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Haircut and Detroit

Last week, I took Will for his first "big boy" hair cut. He had a trim just after his first birthday, but this time they took off a decent amount of hair and gave him more of a "style." It is amazing how different he looks! There are a few photos below.

We went to Detroit this weekend to visit with Aunt Maran and Uncle Josh who were visiting from Tampa. Will had a good time being chased around by Aunt Maran. We had lunch at Leo's and stopped by briefly to visit everyone at dinner. Will ate a piece of Greek bread before we took him home to eat his real dinner. Sunday morning we had breakfast at the Village and then walked the trail for a bit. Will collected a few treasures on the way. Then we went back to Grann's to say our goodbyes.

Trying on Dad's Shoes

Cleaned up Hair Line

Sunday, July 18, 2010

From the beach to the city

We had a packed weekend... again! Friday we walked up to town and had dinner outside at Ramona's Table followed by a milk shake at Crazy Charlie's. We woke up to a beautiful day on Saturday and decided to take Will to the beach. he He had a great time the last time we went but this time the waves were pretty big which seemed to scare him. It took him a while to get used to it but eventually he had a good time getting lifted in and out of the waves. He also liked collecting sticks and pine cones around the cottage. When we got home, Will took a nap and we started demolition on the old portion of our deck. We took the rails down and started pulling up the old floor boards. The nails were getting rusty and the boards were starting to warp and fall apart. We ripped up about half of the floor boards and put down 1/3 of the new ones. On Sunday, we took Will downtown to play in the park by the Gerald Ford museum. He ran up and down the hill, climbed the stairs, and checked out the fountain. Then we went to Rosa Parks Circle and played in the courtyard by the art museum. After lunch, we worked on the deck a little more while Will napped. All in all, a very productive and fun weekend!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Good Weekend

What a fun and busy weekend! Friday night, we took Will and met our friends up in Gaslight for dinner. They brought their daughter who is about 2 months younger than Will so we had a fun triple date. We were able to sit outside and the kids behaved until almost 8pm.

Saturday morning, we took Will to the botanical gardens to splash in the fountain. He also climbed the many stairs in the tree house. When we got home, we packed a picnic lunch and walked (after the brief downpour) up to Reed's Lake for a picnic lunch. Will actually sat on our blanket and ate his lunch like a good boy. Then we let him run around. He liked the ducks and watching people back their boats down the launch. Saturday evening, we had a baby sitter come over. Will flirted with her while we were getting ready to leave and we were told he was a very good boy and went right to sleep at bedtime. Phil and I went to Rockford to have a nice dinner at Red's.

Sunday morning, we took a nice walk and then played outside for a bit. Then we packed up another picnic lunch and drove to Manhattan park to play and have lunch. Right as we pulled up it started to pour. We sat in the car and watched it rain for about 10-15 minutes before it cleared up. We sat in the pavilion to eat and by the time we were done the sun came out. Will played around on the playground for a while before heading home.

Will is now on the 1 "super nap" schedule. It is really nice - it frees up the morning so we can go do fun activities. He sleeps for 2-2 1/2 hours in the afternoon which is also great. We can get some projects done around the house and have time to rest a little.

Will is getting in one of his top back teeth. It already broke the surface. I haven't been able to figure out exactly which one it is yet. Will has gotten really good at saying "mama" and is working on "dada." He also points to his belly button now.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Random Videos

I've been kind of lazy with posting videos lately. So here are a bunch:

Birthday Party

We took Will to his friend's birthday party on Saturday night. It had a carnival theme and was complete with: hot dog steamer, sno cone machine, bounce house, sand box, swings, face painting, and play dough "goodie bag."

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

We had a really nice 4th of July. It was a really hot day so we spent the morning playing around the house. Then we walked up to Lake Drive for the EGR parade. Will actually seemed to enjoy the parade. Usually, he won't stand still but he stayed in our little area and took in the sights. The sirens scared him a bit at first but then he started waving at the big trucks. We were pretty close to the start of the parade route so we cleaned up on candy. Will even got a little baseball and a free sample of TCBY frozen yogurt.

Resting up before the parade

Will did not Like Griff

But he did like the TCBY they were handing out...