Wednesday, July 28, 2010

15 Months Old!

William turned 15 months old today! And to celebrate, he had his 15 month check-up. We are pleased to report that he was given an excellent bill of health. He measured in at:

Weight - 23.25 lbs (42%)
Height - 31.75" (71%)
Head - 18.5" (46%)

He was typically at 50% across the board so we were happy with the height growth spurt. And Will is happy that his weight was at 42% - he has an extremely health appetite and we don't have to worry about cutting back!

Will passed all the 15 month milestones: walking backwards, stacking blocks, saying 2-5 words, scribbling, etc. We're very proud of our little guy. He was very brave when they gave him his shots. He was a little out of sorts after the shots, but rallied in time for Gymboree in the afternoon.

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