Monday, July 26, 2010

Haircut and Detroit

Last week, I took Will for his first "big boy" hair cut. He had a trim just after his first birthday, but this time they took off a decent amount of hair and gave him more of a "style." It is amazing how different he looks! There are a few photos below.

We went to Detroit this weekend to visit with Aunt Maran and Uncle Josh who were visiting from Tampa. Will had a good time being chased around by Aunt Maran. We had lunch at Leo's and stopped by briefly to visit everyone at dinner. Will ate a piece of Greek bread before we took him home to eat his real dinner. Sunday morning we had breakfast at the Village and then walked the trail for a bit. Will collected a few treasures on the way. Then we went back to Grann's to say our goodbyes.

Trying on Dad's Shoes

Cleaned up Hair Line

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