Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Worst Weekend Ever

Worst Weekend Ever might be a bit of an exaggeration... but it was pretty bad.

We decided to use the three day weekend for "Potty Training Boot Camp."   On Friday night, we were able to walk up to town for dinner and we ran to the Farmer's Market Saturday morning to stock up on veggies.  Then the potty training began and we were stuck at the house.  On Saturday, we let him play outside a bit in the backyard but we realized we needed to stay closer to the bathroom and have fewer distractions so we pretty much stayed inside the rest of the time. 

We had been talking up switching from diapers to underwear for a while.  Will had a countdown chain and we made a point of showing him the diaper pile getting smaller and smaller.  He didn't have any trouble switching from his diaper to undies.  He actually thought it was pretty fun to run around with underwear, a t-shirt, and crocs.  We increased his fluid intake and kept asking him to tell us when he needed to go.  On the first day (which was really more like half a day) we went through 15 pairs of underwear.  He would occasionally tell us he thought he needed to go but never actually went on the potty.  We would run him to the bathroom when he started to go, but typically he was done by the time we got him there.

We thought we made a little progress on Sunday morning.  He had an accident right after breakfast but then "held it in" through the morning despite having a lot of liquid.  He said a couple times that he wanted to try the potty and would sit on it, but never actually went.  Around lunchtime, he said he needed to go but didn't actually pee.  But then he had an accident a couple minutes later.  We thought it might be progress that he knew he had to go.  In the afternoon, we were able to get him on the potty in time to have a couple dribbles which we celebrated. 

Monday was more of the same.  He would tell us he didn't have to go to the bathroom as he was peeing.  The 3 day method said that it doesn't "click" for some kids until the end of day three.  I think we'd feel more encouraged if he sat on the toilet and actually went at least once.  We're going to give it today and possibly tomorrow.  If he hasn't shown any signs of improvement we may put this on hold and try again in a few months.  We don't want it to be traumatic for him.  I talked to several friends with boys and a lot of them tried training around 3 but didn't have success until closer to 3 1/2.  We'll keep you posted.

Watering our Garden

Hanging out in Will's Bed

Fire Pit, Marshmallows, and Potty Training

Cute Undies

Alex thinks tummy kisses are pretty funny!

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