Friday, November 2, 2012

10 Months Old!

Alex is 10 months old today! Here are some of the milestones from the past month:

- He has started to stand unsupported. It only happens when he isn't paying attention and only lasts for a few seconds.
- All he wants to do is "finger walk" around the house. And he knows where he wants to go and will get upset and redirect you if you stray from the path he has in mind.
- He is almost completely transitioned off of baby food. He eats a lot more table food now and is very good at picking up diced fruit and ravioli.
- He started to wave which is another favorite activity - He played on the breakfast food at the mall for the first time
- He is up to 4 teeth

Here are some pictures with his froggy. Will also loves to play with my camera (we are getting him his own for Christmas) and is actually getting pretty decent with it!

Nice photo, Will!

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